Medical and Nursing Malpractice Cases
Cases involving the professional negligence of a healthcare provider or the negligence of a healthcare facility or learning institution.
Every specialty of nursing and medicine is at risk for medical malpractice.
General Personal Injury Cases
Nonprofessional negligence cases, such as:
- Auto accident cases.
- Premises liability cases (e.g., slip and fall, high-stacking injuries, sexual assault, physical assault cases).
- Theme park cases.
- Aviation cases.
- Liquor liability cases.
- Railroad cases.
- Admiralty and maritime cases.
- Water accident cases.
- Sports injury cases.
- Toxic mold cases.
- Dog bite cases.
Products Liability Cases
Cases involving the liability of manufacturers and sellers of a product to buyers, users and even bystanders who allege damages or injuries as a result of a defective product, including:
Medical device and drug-related cases, such as cases involving:
- Celebrex®.
- Bextra®.
- Avandia®.
- Hormone therapy.
- Birth control pills.
- Vioxx®.
- Ephedrine.
- Oxycontin®.
- Accutane.
- Botox®.
- Fosamax®.
- Dilantin®.
- IVC filters.
- Power morcellators.
- Transvaginal mesh.
- Hip implants (all metal).
- Implantable defibrillators.
- Pacemakers.
- Industrial-grade silicone breast implants.
- Ventilators.
- Heart valves.
- IV pumps.
Nonmedical device cases, such as cases relating to:
- Machinery and equipment.
- Children’s toys and products.
- Cigarettes and cigarette lighters.
- Motor vehicles, automobiles and automobile parts.
- Food.
- Household products.
- Personal care products.
- Consumer products (e.g., appliances).
- Industrial products.
Toxic Torts and Environmental Cases
Cases involving alleged damages or injuries resulting from the release of toxins into the environment, such as toxins from:
- Oil spills.
- Waste products from manufacturing processes.
- Electromagnetic fields (e.g., against a utility company).
- Radiation contamination.
- Hazardous chemicals in a workplace.
- Waste management and disposal.
- Pesticides.
- Sick building syndrome.
- Lead poisoning.
Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Injury Cases
Cases involving job-related injuries arising out of and in the course of employment, such as:
- Equipment- and machinery-related injuries.
- Cumulative trauma disorders.
- Injuries caused by objects striking workers.
- Back injuries.
- Auto accidents.
Criminal Cases
Cases involving any act that society has deemed contrary to the public good because the act is injurious to all of society and violates the peace and tranquility of the community, such as:
- Driving while intoxicated (DWI)/driving under the influence (DUI) cases.
- Sexual and physical assault cases.
- Child, spouse or elderly abuse cases.
- Criminal cases against individual providers and facilities.
- Criminal environmental cases.
- Any case involving a victim of a violent crime.
- Psychiatric defenses and psychiatric issues.
- Medicaid and medicare fraud and abuse cases.
- Possession of narcotics cases.
- Excessive use of force by law enforcement cases.
Any Case Where Health, Illness or Injury Is an Issue
Many types of cases involving medical-related issues, such as:
- Family law (e.g., custody battle).
- Probate (e.g., competency in issue).
- School health (e.g., injury of child while crossing the street, sexual assault by a teacher).
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Employer-employee relationships (e.g., wrongful dismissal).
- Sexual harassment.
- Right to die.
- Social Security benefit issues.
- Medicare benefit issues.
- Physician-facility relationships (e.g., physician dropped from an HMO, preferred provider network or managed care network).
- Psychiatrist or therapist abuse or injury.
- Insurance (e.g., reasonableness of a medical bill, relationship of a medical bill to the alleged damages or injuries).
- Family Leave Act.
- Bad faith litigation against insurance companies for failure to pay a claim or for denial of access to specific care or treatment.
- Wrongful adoption.
- Healthcare professional board disciplinary actions.